Efforts to create well-known brands and beautiful, interactive websites must translate into action. Your ultimate goal in drawing prospects to your site, after all, is to sell your product or provide a service. The best marketing agencies in Michigan and throughout the nation know the most effective marketing strategies to increase conversion rates through landing pages. When you work with experienced, knowledgeable digital marketers, you will benefit from their expertise when it comes to creating effective landing pages.
Smart Ways to Increase Conversion Rates through Landing Pages
If you are just beginning to work with a digital marketing agency, you might have many questions about why its representatives do the things they do. But trust us. There’s a method to our madness, and that’s especially true when it comes to our efforts to increase conversion rates through landing pages. Here are some of the things we might do.
1. We will only have one goal.
Don’t worry. We have been listening to you and know you have a whole lot of things you want to accomplish. And we will get to them. The most effective landing pages, however, only have one purpose at a time, one which has been determined in advance.
Let’s say, for example, that your goal is to have users download a specific instruction manual. Prospects will be drawn to your site beforehand through effective digital marketing strategies until they are on your landing page. Once they are there, the only option they should have will be to obtain that instruction manual. The landing page should lead to no other actions, such as downloading other manuals or buying a tool. You want them to download that instruction manual, and that’s it.
If you overwhelm prospects, you risk losing them. Further, having one specific goal on the landing page will help you analyze how effective your strategies were.
2. We will create relatively empty and simple landing pages.
When your prospects arrive on your landing page, you want them to clearly see the next action they should take. At that point, they have already read your blog or advertisement and may even have perused your website in the past, so they don’t need an abundance of words. Short, sweet, and to-the-point is the one of the best ways to increase conversion rates through landing pages.
3. We will design landing pages that are bold, attractive, and creative.
While you do want a simple landing page, you don’t want a boring landing page. You still want to excite your prospects to make sure they take the next step and download that instruction manual we talked about. Here’s where a creative design team and clever, succinct wording will go a long way.
4. We will switch it up until we meet your goal.
Every market and every client is different, so what works for some audiences may not work for others. As we analyze how effective our marketing techniques were, we might make subtle changes to that landing page to see if we can improve the results. Changes might be as simple as changing the color of a call-to-action button, for example.
Contact Basso for More Information
Creating effective landing pages is only a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to growing your brand. There’s so much more involved, which is why it’s important to work with an experienced digital marketing agency that will help you meet your goals.
For more information about how we can help you increase your conversion rates or if you are ready to start a marketing campaign, contact us through our Basso website, call us at (248) 530-6000, or e-mail us at info@bassomarketingagency.com.